161. BL,BL
المؤلف: / Marshall G.S. Hodgson. ,20090530 0
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

162. Behavioral integrative care :
المؤلف: edited by William T. O'Donohue [and others].
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Integrated delivery of health care-- United States.,Mental health services-- United States.,Primary care (Medicine)-- United States.,Delivery of Health Care, Integrated.,Mental Disorders-- therapy.,Mental Health Services-- organization & administration.,Primary Health Care-- methods.,Integrated delivery of health care.,Mental health services.,Primary care (Medicine),United States., 7
رده :

163. Between Islam and Byzantium :
المؤلف: 20090526
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

164. Blood banking and transfusion medicine :
المؤلف: [edited by] Christopher D. Hillyer [and others].
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Blood banks.,Blood-- Transfusion.,Blood Banks-- organization & administration.,Blood Transfusion-- methods.,Banque sang-- organisation et administration.,Banques de sang.,Blood banks.,Blood-- Transfusion.,MEDICAL-- Pharmacology.,Sang-- Transfusion.,Transfusion sanguine-- méthodes.
رده :

165. Breaches of contracts and claims by third parties / Stephen Waddams -- Policy issues in defective property cases / Stephen Todd -- Defective structures and economic loss in the United States : law and policy / David F. Partlett -- Harm screening under negligence law / Israel Gilead -- Acts ,Notre Dame, Ind. :
المؤلف: edited by Jason W. Neyers, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen G. A. Pitel. ,Alexandra Cuffel.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

166. Clinical tuberculosis /
المؤلف: edited by Peter D.O. Davies, Peter F. Barnes, Stephen B. Gordon.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Tuberculosis.,Tuberculosis.,Tuberculose.,44.84 thorax.,Tuberculosis.,Tuberculosis.
رده :

167. Corruption and the secret of law : an introduction / Gerhard Anders and Monique Nuijten -- Hidden acts, open talks : how anthropology can "observe" and describe corruption / Giorgio Blundo -- Deep corruption in Indonesia : discourses, practices, histories / Heinzpeter Znoj -- Corruption judgments in prewar Japan : locating the influence of tradition, morality, and trust on criminal justice / Andrew MacNaughton and Kam Bill Wong -- Corrupted files : cross-fading defense strategies of a Vesuvian lawyer / Livia Holden and Giovanni Tortora -- Corruption narratives and the power of concealment : the case of Burundi's civil war / Simon turner -- The orchestration of corruption and excess enjoyment in western Mexico / Pieter de Vries -- Corruption or social capital? : tact and the performance of Guanxi in market socialist China / Alan Smart and Carloyn Hsu -- Corruption in the U.S. borderlands with Mexico : the "purity" of society and the "perversity" of bo
المؤلف: edited by Monique Nuijten and Gerhard Anders.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

168. Disruption of international organized crime 0,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
المؤلف: by Angela Leong. ,20090602 0
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

169. Everyday psychiaty, concise, clinical
المؤلف: / practical by John D. Campbell...,Campbell
المکتبة: كتابخانه مركزي و مركز اسناد دانشگاه تهران (طهران)
موضوع: Psychiatry
رده :

170. Expanding museum studies : an introduction / Sharon Macdonald -- Cultural theory and museum studies / Rhiannon Mason -- Sociology and the social aspects of museums / Gordon Fyfe -- Art history and museology : rendering the visible legible / Donald Preziosi -- Museums and anthropologies : practices and narratives / Anthony Alan Shelton -- Collecting practices / Sharon Macdonald -- The conundrum of ephemerality : time, memory, and museums / Susan A. Crane -- The origins of the public museum / Jeffrey Abt -- World fairs and museums / Robert W. Rydell
المؤلف: edited by Sharon Macdonald.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

171. Fundamentals of surgical practice /
المؤلف: edited by Andrew N. Kingsnorth, MS, FRCS, FACS, Consultant Surgeon, Derriford Hospital and Honorary Professor of Surgery, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth, UK, Douglas M. Bowley, FRCS [Gen Surg], Consultant Surgeon, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust and Senior Lecturer, Academic Department of Military Surgery and Trauma, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Surgery,Surgical Procedures, Operative
رده :

172. Handbook of employee selection
المؤلف: edited by James L. Farr, Nancy T. Tippins
المکتبة: (طهران)
موضوع: Employee selection,Employee selection, Handbooks, manuals, etc
رده :

173. Harris & Harris' the radiology of emergency medicine /
المؤلف: edited by Thomas L. Pope Jr. ; coeditor, John H. Harris Jr
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Diagnosis, Radioscopic,Emergency medicine,Medical emergencies,Emergencies,Emergency Medicine-- methods,Radiography-- methods
رده :

174. Harris & Harris' the radiology of emergency medicine /
المؤلف: edited by Thomas L. Pope Jr. ; coeditor, John H. Harris Jr
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Diagnosis, Radioscopic,Emergency medicine,Medical emergencies,Emergencies,Emergency Medicine-- methods,Radiography-- methods
رده :

175. 20090601 ,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
المؤلف: 20090602 ,20090602 0
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

176. Includes bibliographical references (p. 345-380) and index. 0
المؤلف: James E. Baker.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

177. Introduction / Gerald I. Susman -- Exploring the reach of innovation-related cooperation in small firms / Mark Freel -- Innovation, productivity, and growth : an analysis of Irish data / James H. Love, Stephen Roper -- Innovation strategies and manufacturing practices : insights from the 2005 Georgia manufacturing survey / Jan Youtie, Philip Shapira -- Economies of speed : a conceptual framework to describe network effectiveness / Irene J. Petrick, Carleen Maitland -- Sourcing of innovation as trendsetting in the imaging sector : a comparison between large MNEs and SMEs / Johannes M. Pennings, Gino Cattani -- The fastest growing SMEs in Canada : their strategies, e-commerce and network practices / Hamid Etemad -- Knowledge and capabilities in subcontractor's evolution : the Italian case / Roberto Grandinetti, Andrea Furlan, Arnaldo Camuffo -- The communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the supply chain : an SME perspective / Craig H. Wood, Allen Kaufman -- A comparison of the pace and pattern of internationalization by US and Canadian high growth firms / David J. Maslach, Rod B. McNaughton -- The effects of product diversification and international diversification on SMEs' innovation / Jane Wenzhen Lu, Zhijian Wu -- Should high technology SMEs expect to internationalize by passing through a sequence of development stages that affect choice of export market and entry mode? / Marian V. Jones -- A compara
المؤلف: edited by Gerald I. Susman.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

178. Introduction -- The concept of administrative discretion -- The historical foundation of administrative discretion -- Factors affecting managerial discretion -- Managerial discretion in the private sector -- The plan of the book -- Notes -- Beyond street level discourse -- Managerial and administrative discretion -- Perspectives on discretion in decision making -- Federalism and its place in understanding managerial discretion -- Limitations on state and local discretion -- From state and local discretion to unfunded federal mandates -- When states take over a federal responsibility: immigration -- Explaining managerial discretion -- Support for managerial discretion -- Opposition to managerial discretion -- The courts and managerial discretion -- Statutory and other types of constraints on discretion -- Managerial discretion in local government -- Local government management -- Appointment and staffing powers -- Mayors, discretion, and legislative processes -- Policy implementation -- Managerial discretion and school violence -- Discretion in contracting -- Creating new departments -- Finance -- Managerial discretion at the county level -- The use of discretion by the county sheriff -- Discretion in the Maricopa County sheriff's office -- Local managerial discretion and the courts -- A culture of corruption? -- Managerial discretion at the state level -- The role of the governor -- Appointments -- Economic development -- Emergency management -- Financial management -- Policy development and implementation -- Public safety -- Veto powers -- Other duties -- When governors c
المؤلف: Jacqueline Vaughn, Eric Otenyo.
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)

179. Iran
المؤلف: \ Edited by Christopher Davidson
المکتبة: كتابخانه مجلس شوراي اسلامى (طهران)